
During the 28th annual conference of TIES held in Guanajuato, Mexico hosted by CIMAT, a number of awards were announced.   These included the 2018 Abdel El-Shaarawi Young Researcher's Award to Claire Miller (University of Glasgow, UK)
        "In recognition of outstanding contributions to environmental statistical and quantitative research with a special focus on water quality, and for strong commitment to the Environmetrics community, covering various positions for The International Environmetrics Society".  At the same time, Dr Miller also received the 2017 Wiley-TIES best paper award for "Flow-directed PCA for monitoring networks"

The TIES-WILEY Best Student Award was given to Melanie Meis (Atmospheric and Oceanic Department of the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina) for her work "Climate Forcing and Extreme Events. Paraná and Uruguay River's Case of Study"

Two other awards were announced  namely the Sylvia Esterby Presentation Award to Carolina Euan (KAUST, Saudi Arabia)
for her talk "Bernoulli Vector Autoregressive Model with Applications to Spatio-temporal Drought Events in Mexico" and the
Ian  McNeill Presentation Award to Mikael Kuusela (SAMSI, USA)  for his talk "Recent Progress on Statistical Analysis of Oceanographic Data From Argo Profiling Floats"